May 2024
Canaveral Harbor, FL (Sand Bypass)
Construction (C)
Congressional District: 8
The Canaveral Harbor Sand Bypass Project includes a sand bypass system which transfers sand around the Canaveral Harbor Inlet as well as extension and sand tightens in both the north and south jetties. Economic benefits of this project are derived from reduced maintenance dredging of the federal channel and the prevention of loss of lands and onshore structures. A general reevaluation report addressing both the sand transfer system and the south jetty sand tightening was approved by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works ASA(CW) in June 1993.
a. Regular Civil Works Funds:
Allocation for FY24 |
$0 |
President's Budget FY25 |
$0 |
b. P.L. 115-123, BBA 2018 Supplemental Funds:
Current Working Estimate |
$3,500,000 |
Allocation thru FY23 |
$3,500,000 |
Allocation for FY24 |
$0 |
c. P.L. 117-328A, Division N 2023 DRSAA Funds:
Current Working Estimate |
$27,000,000 |
Allocation thru FY23 |
$27,000,000 |
Allocation for FY24 |
$0 |
Canaveral Port Authority
P.O. BOX 267
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920-0267
Construction of the south jetty sand tightening was completed in September 1995 with subsequent contracts for sand tightening in January 1998 and October 2004. The initial sand-bypassing contract was completed in June 1995. Subsequent bypassing contracts were completed in June 1998, December 2007, and April 2010, and April 2018.
The next sand bypassing contract is scheduled for award in August 2024. Material will be dredged from north of the Canaveral Harbor inlet and placed along the Brevard County shoreline south of the inlet using DRSAA O&M funding.