San Juan Harbor, PR (C)

May 2023


San Juan Harbor, PR (C)
Construction (C)
Congressional District: Puerto Rico


San Juan Harbor is located on the north coast of Puerto Pico and is the Island’s principal port. The majority of the commonwealth’s waterborne cargo and cruise ships pass through San Juan Harbor. The San Juan Harbor Improvement Project was authorized by Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 1986 and re-authorized by Section 301 of WRDA 1996 to include recommendations made in a 1994 General Reevaluation Report. The authorized project has been constructed, with the exception of 1.2 acres of mitigation, which was requested by the environmental resource agencies due to encroachment on sea algae beds during the construction dredging of the Sabana Approach Channel. The remaining project element includes completion of the 1.2 acres of mitigation by placing dredged material into existing artificial depressions in Condado Lagoon in order to promote the establishment of submerged aquatic vegetation.


Estimated Total Cost $63,800,000
Estimated Federal Cost $47,700,000

a. Regular Civil Works Funds:

Allocation thru FY22 $46,802,00
Allocation for FY23 $0
President's Budget FY24 $0


Puerto Rico Ports Authority
P.O. Box 362829
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-2829


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a contract solicitation in FY15 but received no proposals. The mitigation was also included as an option in the FY16 Operations & Maintenance (O&M) dredging contract; however, proposals exceeded the 902 Limit. USACE is deferring implementation of the mitigation as documented in the Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact dated January 18, 2023.

Map of San Juan Harbor