Archive: September, 2013
  • September

    Regulatory rolls out revised setback guidance

    In the interest of navigation safety and waterway accessibility, Regulatory Division rolled out its revised setback guidance for structures placed along certain federal channels at a series of public meetings, held in Deerfield Beach, Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Valley, Fla. in August.
  • PowerCorps caps perfect season with eighth championship

    The Federal Fun League wrapped up their 41st softball season Wednesday, July 31 with their annual championship tournament at Willowbranch Park. The 2013 league included teams from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); Jax Federal Credit Union, Naval Facilities Engineering (NAVFAC); U.S. Attorney’s Office/U.S. Probation Office, two teams from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); and three teams from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District – Better-By-Design, Going Coastal and PowerCorps.
  • “River of Interests” is first Corps publication honored by American Library Association

    In June 2013, Jacksonville District’s “River of Interests: Water Management in South Florida and the Everglades, 1948-2010” became the first U.S. Army Corps of Engineers publication to be placed on the American Library Association’s (ALA) 2012 Notable Documents list. It was one of 20 federal publications to be so honored.
  • Lake Okeechobee: Following the flow

    A diagram of Lake Okeechobee, with arrows that show water flowing into the lake from the north and flowing out of the lake to the east, west and south may look simple; however, the reality is much more complex.
  • Search for sand under way for Miami-Dade beaches

    Florida’s coastline is one of the largest in the nation, and its beaches are plentiful. The average person would think that sand is an endless resource and would never run out. However, for Miami-Dade County, sand that is dependable, economical and environmentally practicable is nearly depleted.
  • Operation Warfighter Program benefits local Soldier, Jacksonville District

    A 15-month deployment, especially a first deployment, does not typically involve tours in three