Duval County FL BEC (C)

April 2022


Duval County, FL BEC
Construction (C)
Congressional Districts: 4, 5 


Duval County is located on the northeast coast of Florida at Jacksonville. The project was authorized by House Document 519/89/2 in 1966. The project provides for initial beach fill and periodic nourishment, as needed, for the 10 mile segment extending from the St. Johns River south to the Duval-St. Johns County line. The design consists of a 60-foot-wide berm at an elevation of 11 feet above mean low water. A Section 934 (PL 99-662) reevaluation study approved February 1992 by ASA (CW), extended Federal participation in cost sharing until 2028.


Estimated Total Cost   $106,200,000
Estimated Federal Cost $61,600,000


a. Regular Civil Works Funds:

Allocation thru FY21          $45,571,000


b. P.L. 115-123: Bi-Partisan Budget Act of 2018, Supplemental:

Current Working Estimate        $100,000
Allocation thru FY21 $106,000
Allocation for FY22 $0


City of Jacksonville
Department of Public Works
220 East Bay Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202-3493


 The Duval County SPP was last renourished after Hurricane Irma in 2019. The Jacksonville District is currently expressing funding capabilities for the next scheduled renourishment in 2023. Also, the district is working with the non-federal sponsor to initiate a new feasibility study to extend the project beyond 2028. Funding capabilities for this new study have not been requested due to the non-federal sponsors reluctance and concerns regarding reauthorization for a period not to exceed 15 years in accordance Section 156 of WRDA 1976.

Duval County Florida BEC project map