WEBVTT 00:05.956 --> 00:08.706 (soothing music) 00:10.550 --> 00:12.730 - The weed that we're actually surrounded by right now, 00:12.730 --> 00:15.800 called alligator weed, is native to South America. 00:15.800 --> 00:19.410 In the 1900s it was introduced to the continental 00:19.410 --> 00:21.813 United States and it caused a lot of problems. 00:22.850 --> 00:25.010 My job revolves around managing 00:25.010 --> 00:27.580 the alligator weed flea beetle program. 00:27.580 --> 00:29.210 The flea beetle itself is so interesting 00:29.210 --> 00:33.350 because they do so so much for alligator weed control. 00:33.350 --> 00:36.370 This biocontrol agent has changed the way we look at 00:36.370 --> 00:38.520 aquatic plant management of alligator weed. 00:39.860 --> 00:41.850 The definition of biological control is 00:41.850 --> 00:43.745 the use of one species to control another. 00:43.745 --> 00:47.410 These biological control agents have to 00:47.410 --> 00:50.590 be super specialized for what they're made to do. 00:50.590 --> 00:53.200 The alligator weed flea beetles, specifically, 00:53.200 --> 00:55.170 um, only feeds on alligator weed 00:55.170 --> 00:57.100 so there's no non-target damage. 00:57.100 --> 00:58.930 It won't hurt any other plants 00:58.930 --> 01:01.780 or feed on anything, it will actually die before 01:01.780 --> 01:04.423 it feeds on anything other than it's target plant. 01:06.090 --> 01:08.530 - It's important for a lot of reasons, 01:08.530 --> 01:10.713 but for one, biocontrol is important because 01:10.713 --> 01:13.360 it's a considerable upfront investment 01:13.360 --> 01:15.170 and the early years it takes a lot of work 01:15.170 --> 01:16.980 to develop a biocontrol agent. 01:16.980 --> 01:18.690 But once it's released it's essentially 01:18.690 --> 01:21.310 a self-propagating management tool 01:21.310 --> 01:23.500 that no longer requires any effort 01:23.500 --> 01:25.440 or requires little effort to continue 01:25.440 --> 01:26.690 it on for many years. 01:26.690 --> 01:28.490 So the benefit of that original work 01:28.490 --> 01:29.890 just continues indefinitely. 01:32.410 --> 01:35.770 Here at ERDC we study many facets 01:35.770 --> 01:37.120 of alligator weed biocontrol. 01:37.120 --> 01:39.080 But one in particular with the flea beetle 01:39.080 --> 01:42.290 that we're interested in is how seasonal variation 01:42.290 --> 01:43.920 and plant quality and temperature 01:43.920 --> 01:45.750 during summer months, winter months, 01:45.750 --> 01:49.470 how that effects control of alligator weed in the US. 01:49.470 --> 01:52.270 The other aspect that we're studying at the moment 01:52.270 --> 01:55.610 is how genetic variation within alligator weed 01:55.610 --> 01:57.493 effects control by the flea beetles. 02:03.700 --> 02:05.150 - The amount of beetles that we can collect 02:05.150 --> 02:08.020 in a day really depends on climate, however, 02:08.020 --> 02:11.030 we can range from with four or five boats 02:11.030 --> 02:13.690 out with biologists on the front of the boat 02:13.690 --> 02:16.930 we can typically collect between, I don't know, 02:16.930 --> 02:19.320 maybe 10 thousand at a low for a day 02:19.320 --> 02:21.620 and up to 50 thousand for a high for a day. 02:21.620 --> 02:23.540 So it really ranges depending 02:23.540 --> 02:24.990 on how well they're swarming. 02:28.130 --> 02:32.360 - Now that the beetle is already established 02:32.360 --> 02:35.280 in Florida we actually don't do any more releases 02:35.280 --> 02:38.210 into Florida, specifically the core doesn't. 02:38.210 --> 02:39.680 They're already, they're doing their thing 02:39.680 --> 02:40.820 out there right now. 02:40.820 --> 02:44.100 But the agencies that we send the beetles to, 02:44.100 --> 02:45.780 we just, you know, send the beetles 02:45.780 --> 02:48.540 in styrofoam cups and make sure there's 02:48.540 --> 02:51.320 no non-target capture in there so it's just beetles 02:51.320 --> 02:55.160 and then non-productive pieces of alligator weed. 02:55.160 --> 02:57.630 We ship them to states, state and federal agencies 02:57.630 --> 03:00.493 that require management of their plants. 03:02.100 --> 03:04.040 And they take the cups that we've sent, 03:04.040 --> 03:06.850 place them out on a, um acre mat or so 03:06.850 --> 03:08.740 of alligator weed and wait about 03:08.740 --> 03:10.340 a half hour 'til they crawl out. 03:12.620 --> 03:16.250 - The flea beetle is the classic success story 03:16.250 --> 03:17.650 for aquatic weed biocontrol. 03:17.650 --> 03:20.590 It was the first agent introduced in the US 03:20.590 --> 03:23.910 in the late 60's and it's still the most 03:23.910 --> 03:27.000 effective agent that we have for any aquatic weed, 03:27.000 --> 03:29.810 but only in the southern areas where it stays warm. 03:29.810 --> 03:32.290 Which is why we're interested in figuring out 03:32.290 --> 03:34.712 how to use it more effectively in the northern areas. 03:34.712 --> 03:37.360 (boat engine) 03:37.360 --> 03:39.500 - Alligator weed has the propensity 03:39.500 --> 03:43.000 to reduce navigation capabilities. 03:43.000 --> 03:46.350 It has, it creates the problem of reducing 03:46.350 --> 03:49.480 storage capacity for flood waters in the lake. 03:49.480 --> 03:52.480 And it out competes the native species that are there. 03:52.480 --> 03:57.260 Currently, when we get beetles we get 250 beetles 03:57.260 --> 04:01.157 per cup and that one cup will cover one acre. 04:01.157 --> 04:03.324 (mumbles) 04:05.310 --> 04:10.040 - We have a really valuable resource here, 04:10.040 --> 04:12.810 we've got collections of alligator weed here 04:12.810 --> 04:14.870 from all over the US and, essentially, 04:14.870 --> 04:16.200 what we have represented around me 04:16.200 --> 04:18.830 is the entire genetic diversity of alligator weed 04:18.830 --> 04:21.720 that's present in the US we have growing right here. 04:21.720 --> 04:23.930 And what that let's us do is, 04:23.930 --> 04:26.380 it lets us address questions about how 04:26.380 --> 04:28.000 the flea beetles might work. 04:28.000 --> 04:29.530 how they might control alligator weed 04:29.530 --> 04:31.180 given their introduction into different parts 04:31.180 --> 04:32.013 of the country. 04:33.490 --> 04:36.910 Working at ERDC and our support of districts, 04:36.910 --> 04:38.850 you know a lot of times we may work 04:38.850 --> 04:41.200 for a state agency but actually getting 04:41.200 --> 04:42.540 to support districts and seeing 04:42.540 --> 04:45.490 the results is really nice. 04:45.490 --> 04:49.140 This in particular is again, kind of a unique project 04:49.140 --> 04:51.450 in that we've got two districts working together 04:51.450 --> 04:53.640 and then us sort of facilitating some of that. 04:53.640 --> 04:55.578 So you have the Jacksonville district that's 04:55.578 --> 04:57.660 providing the collections of the insects 04:57.660 --> 05:00.350 and then sending them to the Little Rock district 05:00.350 --> 05:02.330 and then we're kind of here to help answer 05:02.330 --> 05:03.680 any questions that they might have about 05:03.680 --> 05:06.020 how to use the insects more effectively. 05:06.020 --> 05:10.310 Yeah, so its a pretty cool collaboration that way. 05:10.310 --> 05:13.060 (soothing music)