  • October

    USACE Engineer named as 2022 Great Minds in STEM HERO award winner

    (PASADENA, CA.  Oct.20, 2022) –Eva B. Vélez, Chief Ecosystem Branch/Program Manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District was recently presented her award as Great Minds in STEM Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference Professional Achievement Level II Award Winner for 2022.
  • Thrash recognized as 2022 Women of Color STEM Rising Star

    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Oct.12, 2022) – The Prestigious Women of Color STEM Awards recently recognized Tracye E. Thrash, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Budget Officer, from the Jacksonville District for 2022 Women of Color STEM Rising Star Award for Career Achievement.
  • February

    Focus on STEM during National Engineers Week

    As the commander and District Engineer of the Jacksonville District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its 800-strong team of scientists, engineers and other professionals, I encourage everyone to celebrate and recognize the important contributions of science, technology, engineering and mathematics professionals during this year’s National Engineers Week — February 19-25. This is also a great week to encourage young people from all walks of life to consider a career in one of these vital “STEM” fields.
  • December

    Jacksonville District commander signs memorandum of understanding with local university

    On Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2014, the Jacksonville District signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of North Florida (UNF), designed to be a framework outlining cooperative educational collaborations between UNF and the district in STEM subject areas for purposes of developing student scientists and engineers.
  • June

    Antilles students learn about harnessing nature’s power

    Antilles Elementary School students at Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico had the unique opportunity to make an up-close-and-personal visit to local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project sites, in a follow up activity to a recent classroom presentation by members of the Antilles team (please see page 3 of the May issue of JaxStrong for more on the classroom presentation). The April 22 field trip was the second phase of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) initiative, co-sponsored by Jacksonville District and the Department of Defense Education Activity, to encourage students to pursue education and eventual careers in those fields.
  • May

    Antilles team reaches out to elementary school students

    Inquisitive minds, vivid imaginations and lofty goals greeted members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Antilles Office when they visited the Antilles Elementary School at Fort Buchanan April 10. The team, along with Dr. Jorge F. Bauza-Ortega from the San Juan Bay Estuary Program, partnered with the Department of Defense Education Activity to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.
  • February

    District welcomes middle school’s First Lego® League

    Jacksonville District continues to make strides in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education, as employees hosted students from JEB Stuart Middle School’s First Lego® League (FLL) at the district’s headquarters office. The event provided a view of the STEM disciplines as they are used in Corps career fields.
  • October

    Pablo Vázquez-Ruiz assumes leadership role with vision of promoting STEM education

    Pablo Vázquez-Ruiz, south Puerto Rico resident engineer, has been elected as president of the Ponce Chapter of the College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico (CIAPR in Spanish acronym) as well as treasurer of the College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico. Vázquez-Ruiz has been resident engineer for the Ponce Resident Office since April 2001.
  • August

    District supports local STEM initiative

    In an effort to pique the interest of middle school students toward science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines, Jacksonville District partnered with Mentoring Families and Kids, Inc., (MFK) at the Second Annual STEM Camp, held at the University of North Florida, June 28.
  • June

    The student connection: Corps employees reach out to local schools

    For the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, this time of year provides an opportunity to educate future engineers and scientists on the breadth of the district’s work and the contributions it makes to the quality of life in Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. All Corps team members are representatives for the Corps in their own communities. Every interaction provides a potential opportunity to share information about the district’s programs and projects.
  • March

    Engineering Career Day engages students and promotes STEM careers

    STEM is a national and regional effort to better prepare the workforce of tomorrow by encouraging today’s students to engage in studies, events and careers involving science, technology, engineering and math. The Engineering Career Day event invites student teams to compete in building and entering a take home project, completing a surprise project assigned the day of the event and a trivia challenge. Team 2 from Bishop Kenny, Thunder Buddies, was the overall winner of the competition.
  • February

    Motivating, recruiting students was driving force behind Engineering Career Day

    A desire to motivate students to pursue engineering degrees and jobs ten years ago by a handful of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District engineers and other young professionals resulted in what has become an annual high school competition on Engineering Career Day. These enterprising engineers from several different disciplines within the Corps came up with a plan to make students aware of a possible future in the fields of science, engineering, math and technology via a take home construction competition.
  • January

    Jacksonville Engineer Tim Brown wins big at national engineering conference

    Timothy R. Brown, a senior project manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, responsible for leading interdisciplinary project delivery teams in the execution of large scale civil works projects, is the recipient of this year’s Special Recognition award for the 2013 BEYA STEM Conference.