U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issues draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact

Jacksonville District
Published Dec. 12, 2024

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Dec. 12, 2024) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District pursuant to the  National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) issues the Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Automated Injection of Peroxide-Based Algaecide and Phosphorus Sequestration Agent to Control Harmful Algal Blooms and Manage Phosphorus in the C-44 Canal, Lake Okeechobee, Florida.    

The proposed demonstration project will implement HAB management technology and is necessary to implement the Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Demonstration Program as authorized by the WRDA 2020, Section 128. The C-44 Canal is a 26-mile canal that runs from the eastern edge of Lake Okeechobee at Port Mayaca, Florida to the St.Lucie Estuary and into the Indian River Lagoon. EutroPHIX, a Division of SePRO Corporation, proposes a ten-day demonstration project utilizing automated-injection technology to administer the continuous application of both a peroxide-based algaecide and a phosphorus sequestration agent into the C-44 Canal near the Port Mayaca Lock & Dam Facility at Lake Okeechobee. The purpose of this demonstration project is to study a commercial technology to manage HABs and reduce water column phosphorus levels in water releases from Lake Okeechobee through the C-44 Canal. This project will demonstrate large-scale utilization of a peroxide-based algaecide to reduce downstream movement of cyanobacteria, phosphorus, and related cyanotoxins from Lake Okeechobee to the St. Lucie Estuary.

The draft SEA, proposed FONSI, and a signed copy of the NOA are available for your review on the Jacksonville District, USACE Environmental Documents website at https://www.saj.usace.army.mil/About/Divisions-Offices/Planning/Environmental-Branch/Environmental-Documents/ . Click the dropdown box beside Martin County and scroll to the bottom row of the table.

USACE is requesting that any comments be submitted via email to Dr. Ken Bradshaw at james.k.bradshaw@usace.army.mil comments are due Wednesday, January 8, with the subject heading “Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Automated Injection of Peroxide-Based Algaecide and Phosphorus Sequestration Agent to Control Harmful Algal Blooms and Manage Phosphorus in the C-44 Canal, Lake Okeechobee, Florida (NEPA ID No. SEAX-202-00-K3P- 1728315568).” Questions concerning the proposed action can be submitted to Dr. Ken Bradshaw by email.




Jacksonville District Public Affairs

Release no. 24-103