Jacksonville, Fla. (Aug. 19, 2021) – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, has published a notice of availability for public comment on a draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the installation of pedestrian dune walkovers constructed over Federal Coastal Storm Risk Management Projects and Shore Protection Projects conducted by non-Federal sponsors or independent requestors within the district’s Civil Works area of responsibility in the State of Florida.
The PEA and FONSI pertain to pedestrian walkovers required by individual landowners to access the beach from their residence without walking directly on the dune system.
A copy of the draft PEA and draft FONSI are available for public review on the Corps’ Environmental Planning website – http://www.saj.usace.army.mil/About/DivisionsOffices/Planning/EnvironmentalBranch/EnvironmentalDocuments.aspx – under the heading “Multiple Counties.”
To view the document, click on the plus sign (+) next to Multiple Counties and scroll down to Row 43, “Installation of Pedestrian Dune Walkovers Constructed over USACE Federal Coastal Storm Risk Management Projects and Shore Protection Projects Conducted by Non-Federal Sponsors or Independent Requestors.”
The draft documents are available for review and for download. Public comment is sought for consideration through Sept. 17, 2021. Questions and comments may be submitted in writing via email to by the deadline to Michael.Ornella@usace.army.mil.
Correspondence may also be submitted via U.S. mail to the address below, however due to limited staff availability due to COVID-19, electronic submittal of comments via email are preferred and strongly encouraged:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, Attn: Mr Michael Ornella II, 701 San Marco Blvd., Jacksonville, FL, 32207-8175.
Release no. 21-058