The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District (Corps), will host a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) public scoping meeting on February 19, 2020, regarding a proposed erosion control project at Little Talbot Island and Fort George Inlet for the benefit of area residents, property owners and organizations.
The project is authorized under Section 111 of the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP), which authorizes the Corps to investigate and construct projects for the prevention or mitigation of damage to non-federal public and privately owned shores to the extent that such damages can be attributed to federal navigation works.
The Corps is investigating the benefits of a cost-sharing arrangement with the Florida Park Service (Little Talbot) to investigate the current condition of the inlet and Talbot Island, and to assess the costs, impacts, benefits and general feasibility of undertaking such a project.
To that end, the Corps seeks interested residents and local organizations to provide public input to the feasibility study. This public scoping meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 19, beginning at 6 p.m., at the Ribault Club, 11241 Fort George Road, Fort George Island, Florida, 32226.
The Jacksonville District encourages all residents and area organizations with an interest in the current status and possible future development of the inlet to attend and make their concerns and desires known to the Corps representatives for consideration as the planning for the proposed project is developed.
Corps representatives will deliver a presentation describing the history of the inlet and past construction projects that have shaped its present condition, the results of studies conducted at the waterway since 1886, and an assessment of coastal processes that have resulted in the inlet’s present state.
An open forum and recording of public comments and perspectives will follow.
The Corps will accept written comments regarding the proposed project through March 1, 2020. Written comments may be submitted at the scoping meeting, via email to (recommended subject line: "Fort George Inlet NEPA Scoping Comments"), or by U.S. mail to the letterhead address.
For additional information, visit the Fort George Inlet Project page at